Why choose me?
Let me start by saying - if you prefer the work of another replica slipper artist, buy theirs. I'm not offended when people prefer another artist's work.
If you're on the fence about who you want to make your replicas, there is a lot to consider. The biggest factor for some people is budget, and I understand that a lot of people can't afford the prices I ask for my replicas. To those people I would recommend either buying a pair within their budget, or even better, attempt to make your own pair. Lower priced slippers are frequently available on Etsy and eBay, both in hand sewn and glued sequin versions. Choosing to make your own pair would be my preferred advice, as I've always found the process of trying to source the materials to be challenging but fun.
If you can afford the higher prices charged by some slipper makers, you have things to consider other than budget. How accurate do you want your slippers to be? And in terms of accuracy, which pair are you referencing? All of the pairs of original slippers vary - you'll have different Innes labels, different heel heights and widths, different arch lengths and heights, different vamp lengths. Do you want size 5 (3 pairs from production) or size 6 (2 pairs from production)? Do you want leather top lifts like 2 of the original pairs, or rubber top lifts like the other 2? Do you want the bows made with standard bugle beads (2 bows from production have these), or micro thin tube beads (all of the other bows)? Do you want 46 rhinestones, as was standard on most bows, or 50, as was used on 2? Or 47, like one one bow? Do you want no felt (1 pair), orange felt (3 pairs) or yellow felt (1 pair)? Do you want your slippers to look brand new as they looked on screen? Or would you prefer they look as they did when brand new in person - a slightly darker red? Would you prefer an aged pair that mimics how the pairs look now? You see what I'm getting at.
Are you looking for your slippers to be made the same way the originals were? If so, you would need to have slippers made by Eric Decker, Chip Batko, or myself. If you don't mind the inaccurate process of having the sequins sewn directly to the shoe, then you have other options. If your slipper maker tells you the original pairs were made by sewing the sequins directly to the shoe, they are lying to you. I have put out more than enough evidence of the way the slippers were made, that anyone telling you differently at this point is misleading people on purpose.
I have been interested in the original Ruby Slippers for as long as I can remember. I've watched the movie thousands of times, and I've been making replicas for nearly 30 years. My work continues to evolve as I am constantly tweaking my components and overall design, and experimenting with different aging techniques.
I have seen three of the five original pairs in person. I have had several up close examinations of the Smithsonian's pair while the slippers were off exhibit, and the Museum used my replicas for their 2016 #KeepThemRuby fundraiser. I am in contact with the Smithsonian staff and provide my research to them and answer their questions, and vice versa.
Are you looking for a pair of slippers that look like they were made in a factory? You're in the wrong place.
Do you want a pair of slippers that can fool a lot of people? That's not too difficult - the general population often thinks poorly crafted replicas are authentic. If you're looking for a pair of slippers that could fool nearly everyone - you've come to the right place.